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11 de May de 2022

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Cookies, use them carefully

The use of the cookies Cookies’ Definition After all these years, we still need to talk about the proper use of cookies in the Web page of your entity. Primarily, let’s define the cookies, using the Glossary provided by ISACA. “A message kept in the web browser for the purpose of identifying users and possibly […]

19 de April de 2022

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Metrics and Privacy Programs

Metrics and Privacy Programs Now, it is time to use metrics for your privacy programs. It has been a long journey since we started the description of the role of a Privacy Manager and his/her tasks. Do you remember this post? If you have followed our posts, you now have a privacy program in place […]

12 de April de 2022

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Security Incidents and Personal Data Breaches

Security Incidents and Personal Data Breaches Personal Data Breaches and Security Incidents: yes, they happen. This time we talk about those moments for which you think you are prepared and trained. In contrast, my professional experience suggests that, generally speaking, entities are never prepared sufficiently for a security incident.   Quick References and Terms Primarily, […]

5 de April de 2022

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Dark Patterns and Privacy

Dark Patterns in the Privacy Domain, according to the EDPB Dark Patterns and privacy explained by the EDPB. Last March 14, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) published the Guidelines 3/2022. The title is quite self-explanatory: “Dark patterns in social media platform interfaces: How to recognise and avoid them“. You can reach it (in English) […]

22 de March de 2022

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Technical Measures and Privacy

Technical Measures and Privacy In the first place, talking about the Technical Measures and Privacy, truth must be told: please, don’t count on this post if you need a comprehensive list of measures to protect the personal data processed in your entity. Consequently, I suggest to follow one of the most important and relevant security […]

Amedeo Maturo Senra

Abogado experto en Derecho de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)

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Acceso Sharepoint

Private area. In case of doubt about the access modalities
